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以上是我在碰到问题之后,问 MaxAI.me 后,在 ChatGPT 里看到的对话。MaxAI.me 是一个什么呢?可以看成是一个 ChatGPT 的套壳,当然,它不仅仅只套壳 ChatGPT,你还可以选择套其他的 AI,比如 Claud 等等。

从以上链接可以看出,它不仅仅是一个套壳,它还有一些提示套路。因为我是抛给 MaxAI.me 的原始问题,但是从 ChatGPT 的聊天记录里,可以看到我的原始问题被它包了一层,我们来详细瞧瞧:

plain You are a knowledgeable and helpful person that can answer any questions. Your task is to answer the following question delimited by triple backticks.



然后,MaxAI.me 还用我的原始问题去网上做了查询,并且贴心地附给了 ChatGPT。以下是它在用 包装了我的问题之后,提示给 ChatGPT 的:

diff Its possible that the question, or just a portion of it, requires relevant information from the internet to give a satisfactory answer. The relevant search results provided below, delimited by triple quotes, are the necessary information already obtained from the internet. The search results set the context for addressing the question, so you dont need to access the internet to answer the question.

Write a comprehensive answer to the question in the best way you can. If necessary, use the provided search results.

For your reference, todays date is 2023-10-28 11:13:38.

可以看到,它用了很多魔法词,感觉很会念咒语。另外,它还将今天的日期提供给了 ChatGPT。接下来,它准备了这些词:


If you use any of the search results in your answer, always cite the sources at the end of the corresponding line, similar to how Wikipedia.org cites information. Use the citation format [NUMBER], where both the NUMBER and URL correspond to the provided search results below, delimited by triple quotes.

Present the answer in a clear format. Use a numbered list if it clarifies things Make the answer as short as possible, ideally no more than 150 words.

可以看到它会提示 ChatGPT 给出简短的回复,接下来是它给 ChatGPT 提供网上搜索的结果:

plain If you cant find enough information in the search results and youre not sure about the answer, try your best to give a helpful response by using all the information you have from the search results.

Search results:

NUMBER:1 URL: https://github.com/umijs/umi/issues/10959 TITLE: xxx ... CONTENT: yyy ...

NUMBER:2 URL: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design-pro/issues/10884 TITLE: zzz CONTENT: www ...

NUMBER:3 URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75165105/how-to-implement-asynctransformer-in-jest TITLE: aaa CONTENT: bbb ...

也就是说,使用了 MaxAI.me,你就可以省去不会提问的烦恼,它会帮你修饰好提示词。并且,如果没有买专业版从而不能享受到 ChatGPT 自带的网络请求功能的话,MaxAI.me 也会帮你弥补这个缺陷。真是太棒了,推荐你使用!
